She seems happy about reminding him of his promise while sliding a marriage registration form in front of him. When meeting with Tamae Okamine, he tries to pass the meeting off as a him wanting to prepare for the future.I’m…sorry? (Scene cuts to Kotori’s fist) NOTTHEFACE! Cue her audience's utter confusion as well as this exchange: After a long Heartwarming Moment, she proceeds to thank Shido by calling him "Darling". The epilogue of season 2 has Miku singing one of her previous songs when she was still Tsukino Yoimachi.While poking around Miku's things, Kurumi finds a bra that's the size of her head and goes, You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!.What does Mana do? Bumps into Ryouko's squad and essentially says "Tag, you're it!" Problem is, they also count Mana, who's there backing Shido up as an enemy Wizard. Miku, who is controlling Yoshino as well as the Yamai sisters, orders them to eliminate the enemy Wizards.It turns out that despite most of the Fraxinus crew falling under Miku's Mind Control, Kyouhei remained sane and went along with it because he's in his happy place. Even during the Darkest Hour, there was one.She then demands her servants to strip him of his undergarments, resulting Shiori letting out a girly yell while Miku turns as pale as a ghost. she slowly seductively starts touching “Shiori” and then suddenly stops at her crotch. The Mood Whiplash of Miku finding out who Shi ori actually is.The three girls handing Tohka a tambourine.Why don't you just wear the top and take the bottom. Yoshinon: Yahahaha, is that perhaps Shido-kun? It really suits you. When Kotori and Mana argue about which of them (foster or real) is the better younger sister to Shido, Kotori drops this gem:.Shido ask if Yoshino is hungry but right after she says no it growls again to her embarrassment. Shido is helping Yoshino look for Yoshinon when her stomach growls.When Yoshinon insults Tohka, she rips the puppet off Yoshino's hand and strangles it, thinking it is actually alive.Katori creates several incidents of Shido accidentally bumping into Tohka in less then ideal circumstances for training, to his dismay.There is then an instantaneous cut to Shido getting attacked by Tohka, saying "I knew it!" The dub gives us this gem instead "I hate you Kotori!" He then shouts that if she's to ask for his name, then she has to give him her name first. When approaching Tohka, she demands to hear Shido's name.Ranging from revealing his childhood secrets to broadcasting said secrets live on radio. Shido's punishments whenever he screws up any of the dating aspect.

Kotori (seconds later): Have faith in your little sister. Shido: Fantastic, I'm relying on perverts. Once the game's credits roll, he screams enthusiastically while slightly stumbling in his movements, implying he did an all-nighter for said route.

And neither of them seem to be worrying a bit during their (unheard) conversation. Shido and Tohka casually talk while the AST Wizards are shooting down relentlessly on the latter's barrier.And then he says that he and Shido were voted best couple. When he asks what Tonomachi got, he admits he's the one who got 358th. When Shido asks why it's a top thirteen list, Tonomachi says the organiser got thirteenth place, before saying the most-wanted boyfriends goes to 358 places, shocking Shido, who immediately realises the organiser of that list got 358th. From the light novel, Hiroto Tonomachi introduces Origami as the third most-wanted girlfriend on the list of the thirteen most-wanted girlfriends.Warning: Spoilers Off applies to moments pages.